Homogenizing lactic acid drinks: 4 things to know

Lactic acid drinks combine a dairy product with a juice and require careful homogenization. Here are four key aspects to bear in mind.

  1. Stability: Proteins in the drink must be properly stabilized to protect against sedimentation and separation. This is achieved by adding pectin and homogenizing, which prevents whey separation at the top and casein separation at the bottom.
  2. Protein: Inadequate homogenization can cause flaking when milk protein denaturizes (changes shape) due to the low pH of the juice.
  3. Viscosity: Added viscosity benefits the mouth feel and flavour of a typical lactic acid drink. Optimum viscosity is achieved through homogenization, leading to a smoother feel and better tasting drink.
  4. Colour: Homogenization enhances the colour of the juice component of a lactic acid drink. This is because homogenization releases pigments and nutrients inside the cell walls of the juice, delivering a more vivid colour.

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